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S&P 500 Database

S&P 500 Database


This notebook enables users to analyze SPY options trading data based on a specified expiration date. It calculates SPY's trading range for the selected date and retrieves all options that traded at the money (ATM) on that day and expire on the given date. Subsequently, it uploads both the underlying stock data and options data to a locally hosted PostgreSQL database.

View S&P 500 Database
Marketing Analysis: Term Deposit Campaign

Marketing Analysis: Term Deposit Campaign


This storyboard is designed to compare the success of the current term deposit marketing campaign with the previous one, as well as to identify the demographic groups that responded best to the current campaign.

View Marketing Analysis: Term Deposit Campaign
Bike Store Sales Analysis

Bike Store Sales Analysis


A SQL file with queries providing insights into order processing, revenue analysis, customer behavior, inventory management, and employee performance.

View Bike Store Sales Analysis
2022 Milwaukee Property Sales

2022 Milwaukee Property Sales


An Excel dashboard analyzing residential property sales in Milwaukee.

View 2022 Milwaukee Property Sales
Employee Churn Prediction

Employee Churn Prediction


A Jupyter Notebook where I used a logistic regression to predict whether an employee will churn.

View Employee Churn Prediction
Adidas Sales Dashboard

Adidas Sales Dashboard


A Tableau dashboard visualizing how operating margins charge based on the year, store locations, and product sales.

View Adidas Sales Dashboard


I am currently looking for new opportunities in data analysis and data science. If you would like to get in touch with me, please feel free to reach out to me via email or LinkedIn.
